27 Dresses

27 Dresses is unlikely to look good on anyone’s resume in coming years, and although Heigl is the current ‘it’ girl this should only enhance her appeal amongst the least critical. The final moments are priceless, however, but only for that exquisite sense of unease that comes with being witness to something utterly mortifying.
Rating: 0.5 starsHoopla Factor: 0.5 stars Continue reading 27 Dresses

The Holiday

Iris has such a stereotypical introduction I’d be willing to leave the cinema if she wasn’t being played by Kate Winslet. She’s one of those A-class actors that manage to make even the most cliched role memorable.
Rating: 3 starsHoopla Factor: 3.5 stars

There is never any question as to the outcomes for any of these characters, and no real bumps in the journey. Sure, there are several moments in which character data are revealed that may challenge or discourage their enamoured, but truly, it all feels so predictable.
Rating: 2.5 starsHoopla Factor: 2 stars Continue reading The Holiday