Forgetting Sarah Marshall

What’s particularly impressive about the script is the fact that, well, everyone’s so nice. Aldous is quite a friendly guy for all his superstar flaws, and we frequently get to see the genuinely touching side of Sarah. This makes for a much more dynamic film than if they’d simply been arseholes the whole time.
Rating: 3.0 starsHoopla Factor: 3.0 stars

If you found The 40 Year Old Virgin a highlight in 2005, perhaps you may find something to appeal in this rather dull and uninspiring attempt at mainstream romcom. Possibly you will have gone through puberty in the interim, however, and will see Forgetting Sarah Marshall for the puerile mess it really is.
Rating: 1.0 starsHoopla Factor: 1.0 stars Continue reading Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Run Fatboy Run

Astonishingly, Run Fatboy Run recovers favour in its latter stages, successfully building momentum and creating a surprisingly moving final act in which Dennis succeeds in becoming a character worth rooting for. That this seems to come from nowhere is the big surprise.
Rating: 2.5 starsHoopla Factor: 3.0 stars

I think it’s possible that studios believe a lot of male viewers actually like the boychild-slacker archetype that seems so prevalent now. It gives the average bloke a chance to laugh at something in a genre they might be a little too insecure to really enjoy, plus I think it’s a secret dream of many to stay stuck in their teens.
Rating: 3.0 starsHoopla Factor: 3.0 stars Continue reading Run Fatboy Run

Dan in Real Life

Hedges allows his performers to work without undue interference, but also fortifies their characters with deft timing and subtle set-ups. This effect is most notable for Dan, who is often isolated from his abundant family either through dialogue or plot, such that this compounds the audience’s sense of Dan’s loneliness and detachment.
Rating: 3.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4 stars Continue reading Dan in Real Life

Definitely, Maybe

The film actively encourages the audience to participate in the ‘game’ and yet makes no attempt to mask what is really happening. Components are plugged into place throughout such that the final outcomes for these characters should be completely predictable, thus robbing the climax of its power
Rating: 3.5 starsHoopla Factor: 3.5 stars

As we learn of his rather bleak romantic history, it’s hard not to feel we’re being subjected to a biased retelling – he seems particularly hard done by. Thankfully, we eventually get to see some of his own mistakes, and it’s the flawed lovers that make for the best romcoms.
Rating: 4.0 starsHoopla Factor: 4.5 stars Continue reading Definitely, Maybe