World War Z

It focusses on the first few days, where everyone’s just been zombified and are running through the streets biting people. The first half hour of World War Z really rams home this concept – the initial explosion of infection, so to speak, is staggering to behold – and it’s a case of nail-biting tension from the get-go as Gerry and his family struggle to reach safety.
Rating: 3 starsHoopla Factor: 4.5 stars Continue reading World War Z

Warm Bodies

Hoult is absolutely brilliant as R. I can’t begin to imagine how difficult the performance must have been, trying to strike a balance between silly comedy and romantic tragedy. The same goes for the film as a whole: it manages to walk that fine line, such that you really want these two to get together despite the wackiness of the premise.
Rating: 4.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4.5 stars Continue reading Warm Bodies