The Myth of the American Sleepover

That several of his characters eventually do make the ‘right’ decisions is heartening, although this might be disappointing for those expecting this film to lay bare the consequences of misguided teenage hubris. Nonetheless, The Myth of the American Sleepover is a solid and realistic take on the rites of passage of American teens.
Rating: 3.5 starsHoopla Factor: 2.5 stars Continue reading The Myth of the American Sleepover

Animal Kingdom

Michod’s film is also very carefully and deliberately constructed and filmed. His direction is measured, and he seems content for a quiet menace to develop that means his audience experiences the bleakness and negativity of his creation. No artifice or flashy ‘look-at-me’ moments detract from his milieu.
Rating: 4.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4.0 stars

I’m surprised that Animal Kingdom has received as warm a welcome as it has from audiences, though I’m glad. It’s shaping up to be quite a strong year for Aussie films. I just wish I could share everyone else’s enthusiasm for this one.
Rating: 4.0 starsHoopla Factor: 1.5 stars Continue reading Animal Kingdom

The Secret in Their Eyes

The Secret in Their Eyes might remain somewhat elusive for foreign audiences who won’t have directly witnessed those troubles. This is something of a shame; while an explanatory voiceover certainly would have diminished the film’s effect, a more complete understanding of the era could well enhance it.
Rating: 4.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4 stars Continue reading The Secret in Their Eyes

The Stoning of Soraya M.

That any culture could practise such savage and barbaric acts must dismay the more moderate of its members, and the greater human society as a whole. Highly recommended, although with the caveat that if depictions of realistic and brutal violence turn your stomach, skip the candy bar.
Rating: 4 starsHoopla Factor: 1 stars

The Stoning of Soraya M. is a stunning indictment of a practice that extends far beyond that one event. Considering that enduring a film like this is such hard work, however, it’s hard to profess that it is a ‘must see’ feature.
Rating: 4 starsHoopla Factor: 2 stars Continue reading The Stoning of Soraya M.