
Writer/director Lioret has seemingly achieved his aim of raising the profile of the plight of illegal immigrants, with his film being nominated for many awards and highly successful at the French box office. That his characters and their tragic story are so masterfully realised is reward for his audience.
Rating: 4 starsHoopla Factor: 4 stars

This is a film that attempts to deliver the facts yet never forgets that these are human beings we’re talking about. It’s easy to see how this film would resonate with audiences around the world, particularly here in Australia where migration is forever on the political, moral and social agenda.
Rating: 4.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4.5 stars Continue reading Welcome

First Snow

The narrative is simply so Hollywood that one can’t escape the comparison. The difference is in the little things – it still falls victim to the most obvious traps (apparently there’s nothing funnier than seeing an overweight grandma on an out of control sled) but at the same time its rather straightforward intentions are pure.
Rating: 3 starsHoopla Factor: 3 stars Continue reading First Snow