Beasts of the Southern Wild

Infused with a palpable sense of place, the film’s images feel constantly dirty and/or soggy. Despite the denizens of the Bathtub living in what might seem to many viewers as squalor, we quickly gain an appreciation of the community and their traditions. This is the type of film that really made me think about the way in which I live.
Rating: 4.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4.5 stars Continue reading Beasts of the Southern Wild

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

The foul odour of imperialism isn’t too far off, yet the film manages to avoid it for the most part by simply not being concerned about the country in which it’s set at all. First and foremost it’s about a group of people nearing the end of their lives and looking back on what they’ve done; the setting is for the most part immaterial.
Rating: 3.0 starsHoopla Factor: 3.5 stars Continue reading The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel