The Company You Keep

Seeing Robert Redford, Julie Christie, Susan Sarandon, Nick Nolte, Chris Cooper, Stanley Tucci, Richard Jenkins and Brendan Gleeson together in the same film is a pretty good reason to get excited. Such a cast, however, did make me realise how much of Hollywood’s output these days is only concerned with younger stars.
Rating: 3 starsHoopla Factor: 3 stars Continue reading The Company You Keep


Audiences will be thrilled by the depiction of a ruined world, and the action sequences featuring Harper in his flying machine are as exciting as they come. This is truly a film to see on the big screen, and the bigger the better.
Rating: 4.0 starsHoopla Factor: 4.0 stars

Fresh faced younger viewers and non-sci-fi geeks will probably be surprised and challenged, others less so. It really depends how willing you are to overlook the obvious lack of originality, because on its own terms, the film is excellent.
Rating: 3.5 starsHoopla Factor: 3.5 stars Continue reading Oblivion


There’s an initial rush to get the journey underway that simply feels forced, despite the best efforts of Pål Sverre Hagen as Heyerdahl, and the film is in such a rush to get to the ‘good bits’ that we miss some of the minutiae of life at sea that made reading the book such a gritty, tactile experience.
Rating: 2.5 starsHoopla Factor: 3 stars Continue reading Kon-Tiki

Jack Reacher

He has a reasonably clear moral code but isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, and has no qualms about killing a man if he feels they deserve it. Cruise handles the intimidation side of the role well, even though he never gets to be physically imposing. (One gets the feeling that he spent most of the shoot in platform shoes.)
Rating: 3.5 starsHoopla Factor: 4 stars Continue reading Jack Reacher