The Lost Bladesman

I have to be completely honest here. I understood nothing in this film. Nothing at all. I was completely adrift in an ocean of “what the hell’s going on?” with no narrative buoy on which to cling, and I’m not entirely sure why. Perhaps I should have paid more attention to the opening title card.
Rating: 2 starsHoopla Factor: 0.5 stars Continue reading The Lost Bladesman

Sarah’s Key

This really is a strange film. The historical sections are pitch perfect, and it’s such a fascinating story that it’s a pity they had to be sullied by the regular intrusions of the embarrassing present. Worse still, the final section of the film seems like it will never finish until, miraculously, it ends on an incredibly touching note.
Rating: 2.5 starsHoopla Factor: 3 stars Continue reading Sarah’s Key